From Instability to a Hopeful Future

Chantou* is a 38-year-old Cambodian woman who moved with her husband to a village in search of a better standard of living. Despite initially being able to afford a small house, their inability to secure jobs soon meant they had no money for daily living expenses. This put them in a situation where conflict arose, and they argued on a daily basis. Chantou remembers, “I had planned to start a small business, but didn’t know where to start. Where would the money come from?”

In March 2019, an organization where Haggai leader Bua* works as a program manager came to Chantou’s village and changed her life forever. The organization intends to build up churches’ and communities’ capacities in holistic health — assisting with both spiritual and physical needs to help villagers come out of poverty and live in fullness of life. It improves livelihoods through sustainable and multiverse agricultural organic farming, a system that uses local available materials to strengthen farming techniques and operation.

In its focus on spiritual assistance, this Haggai leader’s organization invited Chantou and her community — the most vulnerable — to a group meeting to equip them in saving money, train them on parental skills, teach on children’s rights, and show them how to make plans for their futures. Chantou learned a lot and continued attending meetings, where she also learned about Jesus. Three months later she became a Christian and started attending her local church.

Shortly afterwards, Chantou got the opportunity for vocational training in the beauty trade, supported by Bua’s organization. She has subsequently opened up a beauty salon and coffee shop in her home and earns enough money to support her family. She says, “The business has helped us get enough money to improve our standard of living and my children’s education. The things we have learned in the Bible and from the [Haggai leader’s] staff about anger management and conflict resolution have meant that family disputes or family violence have decreased and happiness has increased. My children are even attending school regularly.

“First, I say ‘Thank You God’ for sending [Bua’s organization] to my village and for kindly supporting me and teaching us to form the saving groups to help ourselves and others.” The organization’s work to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of the people of Cambodia is transforming lives and bringing an end to Gospel poverty. This is the power of a Haggai leader moving in the marketplace as a holistic witness to her communities.

Written by Carolyn Grant

*Names changed for security.

Published On: June 13th, 2024Categories: Asia0 Comments on From Instability to a Hopeful Future

From Instability to a Hopeful Future

Chantou* is a 38-year-old Cambodian woman who moved with her husband to a village in search of a better standard of living. Despite initially being able to afford a small house, their inability to secure jobs soon meant they had no money for daily living expenses. This put them in a situation where conflict arose, and they argued on a daily basis. Chantou remembers, “I had planned to start a small business, but didn’t know where to start. Where would the money come from?”

In March 2019, an organization where Haggai leader Bua* works as a program manager came to Chantou’s village and changed her life forever. The organization intends to build up churches’ and communities’ capacities in holistic health — assisting with both spiritual and physical needs to help villagers come out of poverty and live in fullness of life. It improves livelihoods through sustainable and multiverse agricultural organic farming, a system that uses local available materials to strengthen farming techniques and operation.

In its focus on spiritual assistance, this Haggai leader’s organization invited Chantou and her community — the most vulnerable — to a group meeting to equip them in saving money, train them on parental skills, teach on children’s rights, and show them how to make plans for their futures. Chantou learned a lot and continued attending meetings, where she also learned about Jesus. Three months later she became a Christian and started attending her local church.

Shortly afterwards, Chantou got the opportunity for vocational training in the beauty trade, supported by Bua’s organization. She has subsequently opened up a beauty salon and coffee shop in her home and earns enough money to support her family. She says, “The business has helped us get enough money to improve our standard of living and my children’s education. The things we have learned in the Bible and from the [Haggai leader’s] staff about anger management and conflict resolution have meant that family disputes or family violence have decreased and happiness has increased. My children are even attending school regularly.

“First, I say ‘Thank You God’ for sending [Bua’s organization] to my village and for kindly supporting me and teaching us to form the saving groups to help ourselves and others.” The organization’s work to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of the people of Cambodia is transforming lives and bringing an end to Gospel poverty. This is the power of a Haggai leader moving in the marketplace as a holistic witness to her communities.

Written by Carolyn Grant

*Names changed for security.

Published On: June 13th, 2024Categories: Asia0 Comments on From Instability to a Hopeful Future

From Instability to a Hopeful Future

Chantou* is a 38-year-old Cambodian woman who moved with her husband to a village in search of a better standard of living. Despite initially being able to afford a small house, their inability to secure jobs soon meant they had no money for daily living expenses. This put them in a situation where conflict arose, and they argued on a daily basis. Chantou remembers, “I had planned to start a small business, but didn’t know where to start. Where would the money come from?”

In March 2019, an organization where Haggai leader Bua* works as a program manager came to Chantou’s village and changed her life forever. The organization intends to build up churches’ and communities’ capacities in holistic health — assisting with both spiritual and physical needs to help villagers come out of poverty and live in fullness of life. It improves livelihoods through sustainable and multiverse agricultural organic farming, a system that uses local available materials to strengthen farming techniques and operation.

In its focus on spiritual assistance, this Haggai leader’s organization invited Chantou and her community — the most vulnerable — to a group meeting to equip them in saving money, train them on parental skills, teach on children’s rights, and show them how to make plans for their futures. Chantou learned a lot and continued attending meetings, where she also learned about Jesus. Three months later she became a Christian and started attending her local church.

Shortly afterwards, Chantou got the opportunity for vocational training in the beauty trade, supported by Bua’s organization. She has subsequently opened up a beauty salon and coffee shop in her home and earns enough money to support her family. She says, “The business has helped us get enough money to improve our standard of living and my children’s education. The things we have learned in the Bible and from the [Haggai leader’s] staff about anger management and conflict resolution have meant that family disputes or family violence have decreased and happiness has increased. My children are even attending school regularly.

“First, I say ‘Thank You God’ for sending [Bua’s organization] to my village and for kindly supporting me and teaching us to form the saving groups to help ourselves and others.” The organization’s work to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of the people of Cambodia is transforming lives and bringing an end to Gospel poverty. This is the power of a Haggai leader moving in the marketplace as a holistic witness to her communities.

Written by Carolyn Grant

*Names changed for security.

Published On: June 13th, 2024Categories: Asia0 Comments on From Instability to a Hopeful Future

