People Are Desperate for God’s Presence

I live in a developing world and train Christian leaders in poor countries. I often meet people who desperately long for God’s presence and mercy.

Exodus 33:19 shows Israel in a similar state: “And He said, ‘I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name “The Lord.” And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.'”

Spiritually, they despaired for God’s presence and mercy, following the Golden Calf mess they had created. They had broken their covenant with God and were now unsure of how He would treat them and if He would still journey with them. So Moses stood in the gap and approached God for answers. Like someone poor, he pleaded for God’s mercy and presence.

In response, over His presence and mercy, God assured Moses He would show them His goodness. Moses’ spirit was lifted so he boldly requested to see God’s glory. His realization that God is good took away his fears and made him bold.

My time at Haggai made me more passionate about reaching the lost and the need to strengthen the Body of Christ. Are you now desperate for God’s presence or mercy? Focus on God’s goodness.

Written by David Go
Haggai leader, Philippines

Published On: February 27th, 2025Categories: Asia0 Comments on People Are Desperate for God’s Presence

People Are Desperate for God’s Presence

I live in a developing world and train Christian leaders in poor countries. I often meet people who desperately long for God’s presence and mercy.

Exodus 33:19 shows Israel in a similar state: “And He said, ‘I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name “The Lord.” And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.'”

Spiritually, they despaired for God’s presence and mercy, following the Golden Calf mess they had created. They had broken their covenant with God and were now unsure of how He would treat them and if He would still journey with them. So Moses stood in the gap and approached God for answers. Like someone poor, he pleaded for God’s mercy and presence.

In response, over His presence and mercy, God assured Moses He would show them His goodness. Moses’ spirit was lifted so he boldly requested to see God’s glory. His realization that God is good took away his fears and made him bold.

My time at Haggai made me more passionate about reaching the lost and the need to strengthen the Body of Christ. Are you now desperate for God’s presence or mercy? Focus on God’s goodness.

Written by David Go
Haggai leader, Philippines

Published On: February 27th, 2025Categories: Asia0 Comments on People Are Desperate for God’s Presence

People Are Desperate for God’s Presence

I live in a developing world and train Christian leaders in poor countries. I often meet people who desperately long for God’s presence and mercy.

Exodus 33:19 shows Israel in a similar state: “And He said, ‘I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name “The Lord.” And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.'”

Spiritually, they despaired for God’s presence and mercy, following the Golden Calf mess they had created. They had broken their covenant with God and were now unsure of how He would treat them and if He would still journey with them. So Moses stood in the gap and approached God for answers. Like someone poor, he pleaded for God’s mercy and presence.

In response, over His presence and mercy, God assured Moses He would show them His goodness. Moses’ spirit was lifted so he boldly requested to see God’s glory. His realization that God is good took away his fears and made him bold.

My time at Haggai made me more passionate about reaching the lost and the need to strengthen the Body of Christ. Are you now desperate for God’s presence or mercy? Focus on God’s goodness.

Written by David Go
Haggai leader, Philippines

Published On: February 27th, 2025Categories: Asia0 Comments on People Are Desperate for God’s Presence

