Cacia’s Secret: Staying Grounded in God’s Word

As the Apostle Paul instructed his mentee, Timothy, “Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear” (1 Timothy 1:19 NLT).

Cacia Pimentel testifies that being involved with Haggai International has encouraged her to go deeper in her faith, clinging to Christ no matter the circumstance.

“Back in 2017, the first Haggai seminar I participated in helped me to shift my life course into a more strategic management of the time I have left. One of my commitments to the Lord became to serve Him in all the opportunities that He guides me to.”

So far, the Lord has given Cacia a variety of opportunities to express her faith and testify of His love. Her experiences range from speaking to large groups of world leaders at the United Nations to serving and teaching in small communities in her country, Brazil.

“More recently, Haggai’s leadership decided to invest in my life and entrust me with the responsibility of being a Haggai Leader Experience international facilitator. In order to fulfill these duties well, I have to stay grounded in the Word and its truths. As Paul told Timothy, I have to be firm and continuously become convinced of what I believe and teach.”

In São Paulo, she is the executive coordinator for the Mackenzie Integrity Center for Public Policies. Through her work, she consistently rubs elbows with highly intellectual people in positions of authority.

“Some of these people are among the unreached people who need spiritual renewal or respectful confrontation and insights. My prayer is that we can impact some of these stakeholders by spreading the principles related to integrity and burgeoning their curiosity regarding the Gospel.”

Cacia currently mentors the daughter of a high-ranking authority figure. “Her father was my professor, and she attended one of my Haggai seminars last year. Later, she contacted me and asked me to disciple her. So, as we walk side-by-side, I am presenting the Gospel to her in a journey of faith.”

Recently, Cacia had dinner with a colleague who holds a doctorate and is the chief financial officer of a national company. “We talked about the Old Testament. His frame of reference is from a historical perspective. I started to contextualize the stories he mentioned — those of Joseph, Abraham, Jacob, and even the valley of the dry bones — and presented how these stories point to Jesus fulfilling His promises and inviting us into a restored and new life spiritually!”

In all things, clinging to her faith and remaining rooted in the Word is key to the work God has called Cacia to.

Written by Valerie Dyke

Cacia’s Secret: Staying Grounded in God’s Word

As the Apostle Paul instructed his mentee, Timothy, “Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear” (1 Timothy 1:19 NLT).

Cacia Pimentel testifies that being involved with Haggai International has encouraged her to go deeper in her faith, clinging to Christ no matter the circumstance.

“Back in 2017, the first Haggai seminar I participated in helped me to shift my life course into a more strategic management of the time I have left. One of my commitments to the Lord became to serve Him in all the opportunities that He guides me to.”

So far, the Lord has given Cacia a variety of opportunities to express her faith and testify of His love. Her experiences range from speaking to large groups of world leaders at the United Nations to serving and teaching in small communities in her country, Brazil.

“More recently, Haggai’s leadership decided to invest in my life and entrust me with the responsibility of being a Haggai Leader Experience international facilitator. In order to fulfill these duties well, I have to stay grounded in the Word and its truths. As Paul told Timothy, I have to be firm and continuously become convinced of what I believe and teach.”

In São Paulo, she is the executive coordinator for the Mackenzie Integrity Center for Public Policies. Through her work, she consistently rubs elbows with highly intellectual people in positions of authority.

“Some of these people are among the unreached people who need spiritual renewal or respectful confrontation and insights. My prayer is that we can impact some of these stakeholders by spreading the principles related to integrity and burgeoning their curiosity regarding the Gospel.”

Cacia currently mentors the daughter of a high-ranking authority figure. “Her father was my professor, and she attended one of my Haggai seminars last year. Later, she contacted me and asked me to disciple her. So, as we walk side-by-side, I am presenting the Gospel to her in a journey of faith.”

Recently, Cacia had dinner with a colleague who holds a doctorate and is the chief financial officer of a national company. “We talked about the Old Testament. His frame of reference is from a historical perspective. I started to contextualize the stories he mentioned — those of Joseph, Abraham, Jacob, and even the valley of the dry bones — and presented how these stories point to Jesus fulfilling His promises and inviting us into a restored and new life spiritually!”

In all things, clinging to her faith and remaining rooted in the Word is key to the work God has called Cacia to.

Written by Valerie Dyke

Cacia’s Secret: Staying Grounded in God’s Word

As the Apostle Paul instructed his mentee, Timothy, “Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear” (1 Timothy 1:19 NLT).

Cacia Pimentel testifies that being involved with Haggai International has encouraged her to go deeper in her faith, clinging to Christ no matter the circumstance.

“Back in 2017, the first Haggai seminar I participated in helped me to shift my life course into a more strategic management of the time I have left. One of my commitments to the Lord became to serve Him in all the opportunities that He guides me to.”

So far, the Lord has given Cacia a variety of opportunities to express her faith and testify of His love. Her experiences range from speaking to large groups of world leaders at the United Nations to serving and teaching in small communities in her country, Brazil.

“More recently, Haggai’s leadership decided to invest in my life and entrust me with the responsibility of being a Haggai Leader Experience international facilitator. In order to fulfill these duties well, I have to stay grounded in the Word and its truths. As Paul told Timothy, I have to be firm and continuously become convinced of what I believe and teach.”

In São Paulo, she is the executive coordinator for the Mackenzie Integrity Center for Public Policies. Through her work, she consistently rubs elbows with highly intellectual people in positions of authority.

“Some of these people are among the unreached people who need spiritual renewal or respectful confrontation and insights. My prayer is that we can impact some of these stakeholders by spreading the principles related to integrity and burgeoning their curiosity regarding the Gospel.”

Cacia currently mentors the daughter of a high-ranking authority figure. “Her father was my professor, and she attended one of my Haggai seminars last year. Later, she contacted me and asked me to disciple her. So, as we walk side-by-side, I am presenting the Gospel to her in a journey of faith.”

Recently, Cacia had dinner with a colleague who holds a doctorate and is the chief financial officer of a national company. “We talked about the Old Testament. His frame of reference is from a historical perspective. I started to contextualize the stories he mentioned — those of Joseph, Abraham, Jacob, and even the valley of the dry bones — and presented how these stories point to Jesus fulfilling His promises and inviting us into a restored and new life spiritually!”

In all things, clinging to her faith and remaining rooted in the Word is key to the work God has called Cacia to.

Written by Valerie Dyke

