A Banker, a Laptop, and Hope for the Gospel in Malawi
Haggai International2020-09-16T18:44:37-04:00In the summer of 2020, Malawi elected a Haggai leader as its nation’s president. The Southeastern African nation has [...]
In the summer of 2020, Malawi elected a Haggai leader as its nation’s president. The Southeastern African nation has [...]
Headlines across sub-Saharan Africa are celebrating the election of Malawi’s sixth president. A quiet opposition leader who came onto [...]
I will never forget August 29, 2005 when Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans, Louisiana. As the levees [...]
With a global pandemic affecting the world, travel has become immensely difficult. Several participants, upon completing their Haggai Leader [...]
The content of our last IMPACT magazine that reached you just after Easter was created in the earliest days [...]
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to [...]
On a brisk weekend in February, more than 500 people from across the globe gathered in a conference center [...]
Cities are shutdown. Times Square is empty. Restaurants are closed. Parades are postponed. School is canceled.But HOPE…Hope is not canceled. [...]
Haggai leader Ferdinand Nduwindavyi On May 20, 2020, an historic vote will take place in the nation [...]
Hope is alive. His name is Jesus! “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, [...]
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