Following God’s Vision from Egypt to South America

Haggai leader Benjamin* was born and raised in Egypt, where 90% of the population practices Islam. It was here that Benjamin was formed as a believer, and here that God called him to a vastly different location: South America.

God placed a passion within this Haggai leader’s heart to share hope with Arabs in South America, where one of the largest Arab diaspora groups in the world reside. Here, Benjamin also equips other leaders to better understand Islam in order to better share the Good News across Latin America. There are several stories that Benjamin shared that recount the impact that was made on others through these efforts. One of these stories involves a Muslim man calling Benjamin and inviting him to his house to ask questions regarding his Christian faith. As he went, Benjamin says he prayed and asked the Lord to lead him and tell him what he should say to this person. He felt the Lord’s love was clear and, in a simple sentence, he felt God say, “Talk to this man about Jesus Christ only.”

When they started talking, the man started asking Benjamin about the difference between Christian sects and which one is the correct sect. It was here that Benjamin understood what God meant when He said, “talk to him about Jesus Christ only.”

“I simply shared God’s love and salvation through the Lord Jesus who was incarnated, crucified, died, and rose again for our redemption,” Benjamin says. “I noticed that this person was listening carefully to me, so I asked him if he wanted to surrender his life to the Lord Jesus and pray together, and he agreed.

We started praying immediately, and then I put my hand on his head, and he fell to the ground for two hours, during which he saw the Lord Jesus, who appeared to him in a vision and was talking to him. This person believed in the Lord Jesus and became His disciple.”

Through the boldness given to Benjamin from Christ, “thousands of Muslims (especially Syrians and Sudanese) have heard the Good News of the Gospel, and some have surrendered their lives to God and have become one of His disciples.” Furthermore, this ministry that God called Benjamin to has equipped about 1,400 people from South American countries to share this Gospel in similar contexts.

Benjamin’s Haggai Leader Experience (HLE) helped him understand the urgency of Gospel poverty and he considers it a personal challenge that he needs to contribute to ending. Through the HLE, he was able to obtain more tools for sharing the Gospel as well as in seeing fellow believers go through the same experience and be sent out to their own spheres of influence.

Through a faithful man from Egypt bringing God’s hope to South America and beyond, we’re reminded that God’s plans are always bigger and better than our own. Please pray for Benjamin as he’s begun a new online ministry that teaches and equips others in Arabic and Spanish.

*Name changed for security.

Written by Sierra McKinnis

Following God’s Vision from Egypt to South America

Haggai leader Benjamin* was born and raised in Egypt, where 90% of the population practices Islam. It was here that Benjamin was formed as a believer, and here that God called him to a vastly different location: South America.

God placed a passion within this Haggai leader’s heart to share hope with Arabs in South America, where one of the largest Arab diaspora groups in the world reside. Here, Benjamin also equips other leaders to better understand Islam in order to better share the Good News across Latin America. There are several stories that Benjamin shared that recount the impact that was made on others through these efforts. One of these stories involves a Muslim man calling Benjamin and inviting him to his house to ask questions regarding his Christian faith. As he went, Benjamin says he prayed and asked the Lord to lead him and tell him what he should say to this person. He felt the Lord’s love was clear and, in a simple sentence, he felt God say, “Talk to this man about Jesus Christ only.”

When they started talking, the man started asking Benjamin about the difference between Christian sects and which one is the correct sect. It was here that Benjamin understood what God meant when He said, “talk to him about Jesus Christ only.”

“I simply shared God’s love and salvation through the Lord Jesus who was incarnated, crucified, died, and rose again for our redemption,” Benjamin says. “I noticed that this person was listening carefully to me, so I asked him if he wanted to surrender his life to the Lord Jesus and pray together, and he agreed.

We started praying immediately, and then I put my hand on his head, and he fell to the ground for two hours, during which he saw the Lord Jesus, who appeared to him in a vision and was talking to him. This person believed in the Lord Jesus and became His disciple.”

Through the boldness given to Benjamin from Christ, “thousands of Muslims (especially Syrians and Sudanese) have heard the Good News of the Gospel, and some have surrendered their lives to God and have become one of His disciples.” Furthermore, this ministry that God called Benjamin to has equipped about 1,400 people from South American countries to share this Gospel in similar contexts.

Benjamin’s Haggai Leader Experience (HLE) helped him understand the urgency of Gospel poverty and he considers it a personal challenge that he needs to contribute to ending. Through the HLE, he was able to obtain more tools for sharing the Gospel as well as in seeing fellow believers go through the same experience and be sent out to their own spheres of influence.

Through a faithful man from Egypt bringing God’s hope to South America and beyond, we’re reminded that God’s plans are always bigger and better than our own. Please pray for Benjamin as he’s begun a new online ministry that teaches and equips others in Arabic and Spanish.

*Name changed for security.

Written by Sierra McKinnis

Following God’s Vision from Egypt to South America

Haggai leader Benjamin* was born and raised in Egypt, where 90% of the population practices Islam. It was here that Benjamin was formed as a believer, and here that God called him to a vastly different location: South America.

God placed a passion within this Haggai leader’s heart to share hope with Arabs in South America, where one of the largest Arab diaspora groups in the world reside. Here, Benjamin also equips other leaders to better understand Islam in order to better share the Good News across Latin America. There are several stories that Benjamin shared that recount the impact that was made on others through these efforts. One of these stories involves a Muslim man calling Benjamin and inviting him to his house to ask questions regarding his Christian faith. As he went, Benjamin says he prayed and asked the Lord to lead him and tell him what he should say to this person. He felt the Lord’s love was clear and, in a simple sentence, he felt God say, “Talk to this man about Jesus Christ only.”

When they started talking, the man started asking Benjamin about the difference between Christian sects and which one is the correct sect. It was here that Benjamin understood what God meant when He said, “talk to him about Jesus Christ only.”

“I simply shared God’s love and salvation through the Lord Jesus who was incarnated, crucified, died, and rose again for our redemption,” Benjamin says. “I noticed that this person was listening carefully to me, so I asked him if he wanted to surrender his life to the Lord Jesus and pray together, and he agreed.

We started praying immediately, and then I put my hand on his head, and he fell to the ground for two hours, during which he saw the Lord Jesus, who appeared to him in a vision and was talking to him. This person believed in the Lord Jesus and became His disciple.”

Through the boldness given to Benjamin from Christ, “thousands of Muslims (especially Syrians and Sudanese) have heard the Good News of the Gospel, and some have surrendered their lives to God and have become one of His disciples.” Furthermore, this ministry that God called Benjamin to has equipped about 1,400 people from South American countries to share this Gospel in similar contexts.

Benjamin’s Haggai Leader Experience (HLE) helped him understand the urgency of Gospel poverty and he considers it a personal challenge that he needs to contribute to ending. Through the HLE, he was able to obtain more tools for sharing the Gospel as well as in seeing fellow believers go through the same experience and be sent out to their own spheres of influence.

Through a faithful man from Egypt bringing God’s hope to South America and beyond, we’re reminded that God’s plans are always bigger and better than our own. Please pray for Benjamin as he’s begun a new online ministry that teaches and equips others in Arabic and Spanish.

*Name changed for security.

Written by Sierra McKinnis


  1. Char Ley August 13, 2024 at 8:31 am - Reply

    thank for the brave soldier of Christ in sharing the Gospel. Wow … great … very influencing and inspiring. God bless you brothers.


  1. Char Ley August 13, 2024 at 8:31 am - Reply

    thank for the brave soldier of Christ in sharing the Gospel. Wow … great … very influencing and inspiring. God bless you brothers.