United Kingdom
Haggai Leader Testimonies
Hear from Haggai leaders who attended the Virtual Haggai Leader Experience
Afghanistan and Haggai Leaders: A Call for Prayer

Fleeing refugees. Desperate, fatal evacuation attempts. Fear of increased religious persecution. Food shortages. The scenes coming out of Afghanistan are unsettling as locals, the Middle East, and much of the world watch an unknown future shape into existence with the Taliban’s takeover.
As the son of a Syrian refugee, Haggai International founder Dr. John Edmund Haggai’s heart always broke for the Middle East. He longed for his people and the region to experience a relationship with Jesus. In fact, it was during Dr. John Edmund Haggai’s first trip outside the U.S. in Beirut, Lebanon, that conversations with Christian leaders there alerted him to weaknesses in the Western missionary model.
Insight is written by influential indigenous leaders from all over the world.

Complete the form below to download your free copy today.
About Haggai International
Haggai International UK is part of a small network of national offices linked with Haggai International in the USA. Haggai International was founded in 1969 by Dr John Edmund Haggai in response to our rapidly changing world.
Against a backdrop of millions of people living in countries where the authorities actively discourage or openly forbid attempts by Westerners to share the Gospel, Haggai International’s mission is to advance the skills of qualified Christian leaders to more effectively evangelize their own people, and train others to do the same.
These inspiring men and women are leaders in Government, business, law, medicine, education, the arts, media and churches. Attending the Haggai Leader Experience equips these gifted leaders to use their unique position and influence to share the Gospel with their own people, helping to ensure that it is presented with cultural relevance and sensitivity to all peoples.
The influence of Haggai leaders is immense, not least, because they each commit to pass on their experience to at least 100 others. As a result, Haggai International has now identified and equipped over 125,000 Christian leaders from 189 nations and territories around the world. People are hearing the Good News, in words they understand, and are being called into relationship with Jesus.
Developing this model of training for evangelism offers excellent value for money because Haggai International is able to train up to eight people for the money it costs to fund a single Western missionary in a developing country for one year, and Haggai leaders do not have to worry about getting visas, learning a new language or crossing cultural barriers.
Would you consider supporting the life-changing training provided through the Haggai Leader Experience? If so, please contact us and we would be pleased to provide you with further information.
- To make a one-time gift send a cheque made out to Haggai International to:
Haggai International, Unit 3, Burnt Oak Business Park, Waldron, Heathfield, East Sussex, TN21 0NL, United Kingdom - To set up one-time or monthly donations through the use of a credit card click the PayPal button:
- To set up a Standing Order or for information and assistance with Leaving a Legacy, click the appropriate link below:
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All eligible UK donations can be donated under the UK Gift Aid scheme
New Ambassador appointed for Haggai International in the UK
Haggai International is breaking new ground this week with the announcement that Rev Stephen Gaukroger is starting an exciting role as its first ever Ambassador in the UK. Aware that little is known about Haggai in the UK, the Trustees are delighted Gaukroger will be using his position and considerable influence to raise the profile and motivate people to pray and support this remarkable organisation training nationals for evangelism in their own countries.
As someone who regards mission/evangelism as a key priority for the Church, this new role fits perfectly with Gaukroger’s vision to equip leaders to live a missional lifestyle and build up the next generation of leaders, especially in developing countries.
Speaking after seeing the Haggai Leader Experience training in Maui, Gaukroger said, “The Haggai model for leadership training is stunning and quite unique. What impressed me most was seeing highly qualified nationals training other nationals from the developing world and seeing how they were equipped to lead others to Christ once they return home.”
Gaukroger wants to use his new role to make UK Christian leaders aware of Haggai’s highly effective missional strategy. Since 1969, Haggai International has trained over 100,000 leaders at the top of their professions in the arts, politics, medicine and business to reach their own people for Christ and train others to do the same in 188 countries.
“There are currently over 9,000 leaders waiting for the chance to be equipped by the Haggai Leader Experience”, says Gaukroger. “While every leader commits to raise part of their training costs, there’s still a significant shortfall that needs to be met by Haggai supporters. I hope that as more get to hear about Haggai, they will feel inspired to support this organisation and tell others how they can help train Christian leaders, especially in areas that are closed to Western missionaries sharing the gospel.”
Trustees: I Bald, Dr C P Ellis (chairman), N K Hughes, R H Irvine, M G Thompson
Ambassador: Rev Stephen Gaukroger
Council of reference: Rev Dr Martyn Atkins, Rev Dr Paul Beasley-Murray, Rev Anne Calver, Rev Gavin Calver, Anne Coles, Sir Jeremy Cooke, Rev Joel Edwards, Roger Forster, Rev Stephen Gaukroger, Yosri Ghobry, Mike Pilavachi, Rev Pete Wynter
Haggai Advance Leadership Training Ltd
Registered Office as above. A company limited by guarantee,
registered in Engalnd & Wales No. 02195924, Registered Charity No. 327623
Member of the Evangelical Alliance
Haggai International
Unit 3,
Burnt Oak Business Park,
East Sussex,
TN21 0NL
01892 752921 or click here to email us.
Haggai Advanced Leadership Training Limited is a registered UK charity with the registration number: 327623