Light Prevails

The dawn of a new year has begun, and the season of light, Christmas, has passed. We live our lives around a calendar of 365 days divided into seasons and a series of holidays — both religious and secular. All have traditions that accompany them and an assortment of tangible things that create a unifying theme — pumpkins and skeletons; turkeys and pilgrims; lights and ornaments; hearts and roses; baskets and eggs; flags and fireworks. Walk into any retail store and you will quickly identify what is coming up. Once the holiday has passed, the “stuff” of that season is deeply discounted, then quickly swept away only to be replaced by the even better “stuff” of the upcoming one.

This year, I find that I am reflecting on how to hold on to the light of Christmas, indeed the Light of the World, to bring Him shining brightly into this new year, 2022. I want each day to be one where I rejoice in the birth of Jesus — that He is here, with me, and because His light is shining brightly into the darkness of my life, I am empowered to do the same with those I encounter. And, I am inspired by stories of our Haggai leaders who daily bring the light of the Gospel into the lives of those who desperately need Jesus.

I resonate with John 12:35-36 (Amplified Bible): “So Jesus said to them, ‘The light is among you [only] a little while longer. Walk while you have the Light [keep on living by it], so that darkness will not overtake you. He who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going, [he is drifting aimlessly]. While you have the Light, believe and trust in the Light [have faith in it, hold on to it, rely on it], so that you may become sons of Light [being filled with Light as followers of God.]’”

Because of God’s amazing grace and mercy, that Light now lives in you and me! HALLELUJAH! The world has never needed the light of Jesus more than in these days. Won’t you join me in carrying the Light of Christmas into this new year, passing on the love and hope of Jesus?

Let Light prevail!

Dr. Bev Williams
CEO, Haggai International

Published On: February 14th, 2022Categories: Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East0 Comments on Light Prevails

Light Prevails

The dawn of a new year has begun, and the season of light, Christmas, has passed. We live our lives around a calendar of 365 days divided into seasons and a series of holidays — both religious and secular. All have traditions that accompany them and an assortment of tangible things that create a unifying theme — pumpkins and skeletons; turkeys and pilgrims; lights and ornaments; hearts and roses; baskets and eggs; flags and fireworks. Walk into any retail store and you will quickly identify what is coming up. Once the holiday has passed, the “stuff” of that season is deeply discounted, then quickly swept away only to be replaced by the even better “stuff” of the upcoming one.

This year, I find that I am reflecting on how to hold on to the light of Christmas, indeed the Light of the World, to bring Him shining brightly into this new year, 2022. I want each day to be one where I rejoice in the birth of Jesus — that He is here, with me, and because His light is shining brightly into the darkness of my life, I am empowered to do the same with those I encounter. And, I am inspired by stories of our Haggai leaders who daily bring the light of the Gospel into the lives of those who desperately need Jesus.

I resonate with John 12:35-36 (Amplified Bible): “So Jesus said to them, ‘The light is among you [only] a little while longer. Walk while you have the Light [keep on living by it], so that darkness will not overtake you. He who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going, [he is drifting aimlessly]. While you have the Light, believe and trust in the Light [have faith in it, hold on to it, rely on it], so that you may become sons of Light [being filled with Light as followers of God.]’”

Because of God’s amazing grace and mercy, that Light now lives in you and me! HALLELUJAH! The world has never needed the light of Jesus more than in these days. Won’t you join me in carrying the Light of Christmas into this new year, passing on the love and hope of Jesus?

Let Light prevail!

Dr. Bev Williams
CEO, Haggai International

Published On: February 14th, 2022Categories: Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East0 Comments on Light Prevails

Light Prevails

The dawn of a new year has begun, and the season of light, Christmas, has passed. We live our lives around a calendar of 365 days divided into seasons and a series of holidays — both religious and secular. All have traditions that accompany them and an assortment of tangible things that create a unifying theme — pumpkins and skeletons; turkeys and pilgrims; lights and ornaments; hearts and roses; baskets and eggs; flags and fireworks. Walk into any retail store and you will quickly identify what is coming up. Once the holiday has passed, the “stuff” of that season is deeply discounted, then quickly swept away only to be replaced by the even better “stuff” of the upcoming one.

This year, I find that I am reflecting on how to hold on to the light of Christmas, indeed the Light of the World, to bring Him shining brightly into this new year, 2022. I want each day to be one where I rejoice in the birth of Jesus — that He is here, with me, and because His light is shining brightly into the darkness of my life, I am empowered to do the same with those I encounter. And, I am inspired by stories of our Haggai leaders who daily bring the light of the Gospel into the lives of those who desperately need Jesus.

I resonate with John 12:35-36 (Amplified Bible): “So Jesus said to them, ‘The light is among you [only] a little while longer. Walk while you have the Light [keep on living by it], so that darkness will not overtake you. He who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going, [he is drifting aimlessly]. While you have the Light, believe and trust in the Light [have faith in it, hold on to it, rely on it], so that you may become sons of Light [being filled with Light as followers of God.]’”

Because of God’s amazing grace and mercy, that Light now lives in you and me! HALLELUJAH! The world has never needed the light of Jesus more than in these days. Won’t you join me in carrying the Light of Christmas into this new year, passing on the love and hope of Jesus?

Let Light prevail!

Dr. Bev Williams
CEO, Haggai International

Published On: February 14th, 2022Categories: Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East0 Comments on Light Prevails



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